1. 2015-2017. Functional characterization of cytochrome P450 monooxygenase genes from karas (Aquilariamalaccensis) transcriptome using heterologous system and their association to specific gaharu compounds. UPM Putra Grant RM96,000
2. 2014-2017. Discovery of novel enzymes via proteomics of the gaharu tree (Aquilaria spp.) for use in the synthesis of unique fragrance compounds. Sciencefund, MOSTI, RM254,000
3. 2013-2015. DNA detection and identification in gaharu chips and its products for chain of custody. MOE RM138,000
4. 2011-2013. Effects of wounding and microbial inoculation on 'gaharu' induction in tissue culture materials of Aquilariamalaccensis and changes in candidate gene expression. UPM RUGS RM100,000
5. 2009-2011. Differential display identification of genes associated to ‘gaharu’ formation in Aquilariamalaccensis. UPMRUGS RM133,000
6. 2006-2008. Gaharu formation in Aquilaria: genes in synthesis pathway and wood changes.MOHE RM99,407