Dr. Jun Luo
Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University
Yangling, Shaanxi 712100
P.R. China
Email : luojun@nwafu.edu.cn
Dr. Jun Luo obtained his Ph. D degree in Animal Genetics and Breeding from the Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University of China He is currently the professor of College of Animal Science and Technology of NWAFU and the country representative (China) of the International Goat Association. In 1990, he had been to Netherland for 6 month training and collaboration research in dairy goat production and milk processing technology. Jun Luo spent several year between 1997 and 2003 in the American Institute for Goat Research of Langston University for post-doctorial and collaboration research in goat production and nutrition. His research interests focused on the dairy goat breeding, and the developmental utilization of goat breeds resources, and the molecular genetic mechanisms of goat milk fatty acids metabolism. He is also actively involved in the dairy goat extension and industry development in China and research collaboration with international partners from US and Australia etc.