Dr. Dewi Apri Astuti
Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Faculty of Animal Science
Bogor Agricultural University
Bogor, Indonesia
Email: dewiapriastuti86@gmail.com
Dr Dewi Apri Astuti is a Professor at the Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia. She graduated in Bachelor of Animal Science from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta Indonesia (1984) and received her Master in Animal Nutrition (1988) and Doctor in Physiology of Nutrition (1995) from Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia. She has authored or co-authored more than 55 publications in journals and proceedings, including a book “Bioenergetics of Tropical Animal” and book chapters. Her research interests in the field of small ruminants (goat and sheep) with emphasis on nutrition, metabolism, physiology and milk production performance. Her publication entitled “Nutrient Balance and Glucose Metabolism of female growing, late pregnant and lactating Etawah crossbreed goats” in Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science and “Studies on milk production of Etawah crossbreed goat fed with tempe waste” are cited by many researchers. She also had research collaborations with National Institute of Animal Industry- Tsukuba, Japan (1998) and Hohenheim University, Germany (1991 and 2004) in small ruminant metabolism.