Languages : malay | english

Our Project

Project 1: Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers

Identification of early diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for human leptospirosis through systems biology approaches encompassing clinical, biochemical, proteomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics and immunological aspect

Project 2: Epidemiology and Molecular Characteristics of Leptospira

Characterisation of leptospira in Malaysia for effective leptospirosis management through determination of serovars and molecular epidemiology and early diagnosis via development of rapid detection system.

Project 3: Sociobehaviourial and Risk Perception of Leptospirosis

Identification of sociobehavioural factors and risk perception and health economic assessment of leptospirosis activities towards improved strategic control and preventive measures, innovative health education and enhanced surveillance system.

Project 4: Identification and Control of Leptospira Hosts

Identification and biological study of leptospira animal hosts, and determination of effective control methods in Peninsular Malaysia.

Latest Update : Mon, 03 Aug 2020 (chewshuyih)