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Penerbitan 2015


Senarai Jurnal dalam Quartil 1 dan 2







Influence of evolving microstructure on electrical and magnetic characteristics in mechanically synthesized polycrystalline Ni-ferrite nanoparticles

Hajalilou, A.a ,  Hashim, M.a,  Ebrahimi-Kahrizsangi, R.b,  Mohamed Kamari, H.c 

Journal of Alloys and Compounds

Volume 633, 5 June 2015, Pages 306–316



Sintering temperature dependence of optimized microstructure formation of BaFe12O19 using sol–gel method  

Kanagesan, S.a ,  Hashim, M.a,  Kalaivani, T.b,  Ismail, I.a,  Rodziah, N.a,  Ibrahim, I.R.a,  Rahman, N.A.a 

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2015) 26:1363–1367


Studying the Effect of ZnO on Physical and Elastic Properties of (ZnO)x(P2O5)1−x Glasses Using Nondestructive Ultrasonic Method

Khamirul Amin Matori,Mohd Hafiz Mohd Zaid, Hock Jin Quah,Sidek Hj. Abdul Aziz,Zaidan Abdul Wahab,and Mohd Sabri Mohd Ghazali

Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Volume 2015, Article ID 596361, 6 pages


Microstructural evaluation of ball-milled nano Al2O3 particulate-reinforced aluminum matrix composite powders

Farhad Ostovan, Khamirul Amin Matori, Meysam Toozandehjani, Arshin Oskoueian, Hamdan Mohamed Yusoff, Robiah Yunus and Azmah Hanim Mohamed Ariff

International Journal of Materials Research, Volume 106, Issue 6 (June 2015)


On the correlation between microstructural evolution and ultrasonic properties

Meysam Toozandehjani, Khamirul Amin Matori, Farhad Ostovan, Faizal Mustapha, Nur Ismarrubi Zahari and Arshin Oskoueian

J Mater Sci (2015) 50:2643–2665


Corrosion behavior of Al6061 alloy weldment produced by friction stir welding process

Farhad Gharavi, Khamirul Amin Matoria, Robiah Yunus, Norinsan Kamil Othman,Firouz Fadaeifard

Journal of Materials Research and Technology

Volume 4, Issue 3, July–September 2015, Pages 314–322


Optimization Parameters of Friction Stir Lap Welding of Aluminum Alloy AA6061-T6

Matori, Khamirul Amin; Tamjidy, Mehran; Fadaeifard, Firouz; Gharvi, Farhad; Baherodin, Hang Tuah;

Journal of Applied Science, 15(3): 465-473, 2015.


P–E hysteresis loop evaluation and dielectric studies of ceramic

obtained from white rice husk ash for electronic applications

Nasim Heidari Bateni Mohd Nizar Hamidon

Khamirul Amin Matori, Ali Arab

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2015), 26: 6157-6162.


A comparative study of different sintering routes effects on evolving microstructure and B–H magnetic hysteresis in mechanically-alloyed Ni–Zn ferrite, Ni0.3Zn0.7Fe2O4

Idza Riati Ibrahim  , Mansor Hashim, Rodziah Nazlan, Ismayadi Ismail, Samikannu Kanagesan, Wan Norailiana Wan Ab Rahman, Nor Hapishah Abdullah, Fadzidah Mohd Idris and Ghazaleh Bahmanrokh

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2015) 26:59–65


Thermal evolution of the Ni-ferrite nanoparticles obtained by mechanical alloying as probed by differential scanning calorimetry

Abdollah Hajalilou  , Mansor Hashim, Reza Ebrahimi-Kahrizsangi and Halimah Mohamed Kamari

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

February 2015, Volume 119, Issue 2, pp 995-1000



Comparison of structure and magnetic properties of Mn–Zn ferrite mechanochemically synthesized under argon and oxygen atmospheres


Mohamad Taghi Masoudi, Ali Saidi, Mansor Hashim, Abdollah Hajalilou

Canadian Journal of Physics, 2015, 93(10): 1168-1173


Effect of milling atmosphere on structural and magnetic properties of Ni–Zn ferrite nanocrystalline

Hajalilou Abdollah, Hashim Mansor, Ebrahimi-Kahrizsangi Reza and Masoudi Mohamad Taghi

Chinese Physics BVolume 24Number 4


Synthesis of Y-Tip Graphitic Nanoribbons from Alcohol

Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition on Piezoelectric Substrate

Zainab Yunusa, Suraya Abdul Rashid, Mohd Nizar Hamidon,

Syed Hafiz, Ismayadi Ismail, and Saeed Rahmanian

Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 754768, 7 page





Kemaskini Terakhir : Wed, 28 Oct 2015 (rnawang)